The Three Tales Trail @ Porto Mountains

Callaico, the Druid, a local character from these mountains, in his many reflections by the lake, in the spiritual company of our ancestors (they who run free through these hills on a gust of wind or in the muttering breeze), acknowledge from them some great magical stories, that took place on these mountains a long, long time ago!

In his will to give a legacy for future generations, he wrote these stories as tales and shared them with friends and locals, so they could be preserved for future reference. Preserved as preserved is the village they refer to, Figueira, a village older than the country of Portugal itself.

About the Tales:

The Ficus Tree Tale:

In this tale you'll get to know the legend of an old Wiseman who lived here with his daughters! One day while the kids where playing in the slopes of Mount Mózinho, one of them was captured by a monstrous serpent that use to live on a huge Ficus Tree (Figueira, in Portuguese). 
After a call for help from the other child, the Oldman, who couldn't challenge the mighty snake, use all is wisdom and magical knowledge to trick the beast and release the child! He also manage to release the village from this giant threat and, after being reduced to its nowadays proportions, the serpent was condemned to forever dwell through the fields, chasing rats and hunted by the eagles that patrol these skies!

The Beast's Nest @ "Esplanada do Castelo"

The Water Springs Tale:

Here you’ll learn about the history of 4 children and how important they are in your life! A kid’s story featuring Gaia and Bereno into a plot of Summer’s jealousy and deceive that led the Winter chasing Autumn and the Spring to get plenty of water… springs!

The Water Spring Tale

The Giants (& their Causeway) Tale:

In the third story you’ll be carried to an old Irish/Scottish tale and discover how two Gaelic giants left their Legend to get into ours, arising a new landscape on their raging path, and releasing the Douro River from its Spring to its faith on the Porto Mountains, where lies its river mouth alongside with the tale’s placid ending!

(Where the Tale Began)

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